AK The Conqueror – Old Time Steppers International 9-23-00

Posted by joly on Jun 16, 2010 in reggae vibes

AK The Conqueror was a stalwart member of the Yahoo Club Rasta and a very popular DJ on Streamola, particularly with the ladies, specializing as he did in Lover’s Rock, both classic and modern. The Reggae Vibes stream was founded just to cater to his sessions. Making them all the more rare and desirable was the fact that at his remote Pennsylvania location his Internet connection was less than reliable, thus a good session was always a matter of chance if not divine providence. In this one we hear him, in lo-fi recorded directly off the original 24k stream on 9-23-00, digging into his vault of old time classics.

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Hook, Line, and Sinker

Posted by joly on Mar 25, 2010 in mix, old tape

As we all know the ecstasy and agony of romance drives much of creation, and so it was with this, a mixtape from the late 80s, and the oft-repeated soundtrack to many pinmaking sessions in the early 90s. It starts off warm and easy, becomes enraptured, and then helplessly unrequited..

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Ranking Miss P – Orbitone Style

Posted by joly on Mar 18, 2010 in DBC, old tape, recast

Back in 1982 bread and butter for the DBC – Dread Broadcasting Corp. – were sponsored programs by the likes of Harlesden record distros Starlite and Orbitone, again presented with flair by the Ranking Miss P. Here are few fragments that have survived the ages thanks to Ms Mandi Newall of NYC who taped them off the air back in the day.

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Ranking Miss P – Strictly for the Girls

Posted by joly on Mar 18, 2010 in DBC, old tape

Amongst the very first streams that went out on streamola, and then run on repeat for it’s entire existence, was a selection of the Better Badges sponsored London reggae pirate DBC – the Dread Broadcasting Corp. – from the beginning of the 80s. One of the best loved features of that station were the lover’s rock selections by the sweet-voiced DJ known as the Ranking Miss P., who later went on to reach an international audience via the BBC World Service. This one’s just a brief snippet of the lady in action in her DBC prime.

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